Feeling Stuck in Your Career? Let’s Talk About What’s Next.

At some point in our careers, many of us hit a plateau. It’s that moment when you start asking yourself: Is this really all there is? or Am I truly using my skills and talents to their full potential?

For mid to senior professionals, these thoughts can feel heavy. After all, you've invested years of hard work and dedication to get where you are today. But growth often means change, and sometimes, that change involves stepping into the unknown to explore new possibilities.

It’s not about abandoning what you’ve built but about evolving into a role that truly aligns with your values and ambitions. The next step in your career should be more than just a promotion or a new title—it should be meaningful, fulfilling, and purposeful.

From my experience working with professionals across various industries, I've learned this: your career doesn’t have to be defined by what you've done in the past. You have the power to redefine your future, and sometimes, all it takes is a shift in perspective and the right support.

Your career is a journey, not a destination. The next chapter can be your best one yet.

If you’re ready to explore what’s next, I’m here to guide you through that process. Let’s work together to clarify your vision, hone your strengths, and chart a path that excites and inspires you.


#CareerGrowth #ProfessionalDevelopment #Leadership #CareerTransitions #Inspiration

Should I stay or should I go? Are you being trapped by your high salary?

Should I stay or should I go?

This is a question many of us mull over for many months, years or even decades. In my role as a career coach, I often hear executives use the term ‘golden handcuffs’ to explain their feeling of being tied to a job or lifestyle that affords them status and financial stability, even when it no longer provides a sense of happiness.

My expertise and experience tells me that if the term ‘golden handcuffs’ rings true to you then you’ve likely spent many hours lamenting your position. You feel tethered to your current situation because of relative financial and emotional safety.

There are always snippets of hope. Have you ever caught yourself lazing on your holiday sun lounger, allowing your mind and heart to open to the potential of life… without the shackles you have placed on yourself?

In these moments you may feel free, excited and hopeful. Then, as you return to work and fall back into the rat race, you again allow fear to be your operating model.

You revert to the status quo of living a comfortable lifestyle, with discomfort lurking beneath the façade.


Sometimes these uncomfortable feelings hang around because you don't yet have clarity on potential ways forward. As a career coach, I find clients regularly gain important insights by honouring themselves and diving deeper through questions that deliver lucidity.

These questions will provide answers, depth and intention around that all important question:

“Should I stay or should I go?”


13 Powerful Questions To Ask Yourself…

Give yourself some quiet unencumbered space to think and write down your answers, without interruption. I use these key questions in my coaching work to spark awareness, direction and shine light on the truth.

 1.    Do you wake up energised and raring to go to work?

Why or why not?

2.    How is your mental and physical health?

Is your wellbeing negatively affected by your work choices? How is your current work situation impacting on family and friends? What are the benefits that you and your family could receive if, instead, you followed your passion?

3.    Have you ever given yourself the opportunity to imagine, even visualise, the life you truly want? (Focus goes where energy flows.)

4.    What is your current mindset?

Are you coming from a scarcity mindset or an abundant mindset? What are all the things you have to gain by making a change?

5.    Are you being gentle on yourself? Letting go can be hard. Have you acknowledged and honoured those feeling? Are you looking at your thoughts as if you were a third person to gain some perspective?

6.    You have been successful in your current role. What positive traits could you amplify in a new position?

7.    Are there people waiting in the ranks, ready to do a kick-ass job in the position you no longer enjoy?

8.    What is the worst thing that could happen? What steps can you implement to cushion against this? (List these steps).


9.    Visualise 5 years from now.

Describe the scene:

1) If you stay


2) If you go and discover new possibilities


10. If a friend or family member was in this position how would you coach them through this question (‘should I stay or should I go')?

11. In times of change, it is really important to have a good group of supporters.

Who will be your supporters?


12. What legacy do you want to leave?

What example do you want to provide for your children about the life you lead? Not only in terms of any perceived job success but in terms of following your dreams, passions and being the person you want to be?

13. Could you engage a career coach to offer their experience and expertise? An objective and balanced viewpoint that takes into account your personality, skills and wishes can open up possibilities, smooth the way forward and help you to finally answer the important question, “Should you stay or should you go?”

We’ve been helping people — just like you — to uncover their right option. Should you stay in your current job? Are there strategies to boost happiness in your present role? Or do you need to make a serious change and seek out a new position?

If you could benefit from expert support and guidance, we are ready to help you.

Book an appointment today. https://pursuitconsulting.com.au/contact/


Empowering Your Career

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be". Quote by Ralph Emmerson a philosopher and leader of the transcendental movement in the mid 19th century.

Wow what a powerful quote that encapsulates how our everyday decisions shape the person/leader/entrepreneur we become.

I always get a little spring in my step when I remember I am the CEO of My Career and the architect of my life.

There is a great sense of freedom and empowerment that comes with knowing that I can make decisions to alter the direction my career/life takes and with that there must be a strong dose of responsibility, awareness and accountability.

It doesn’t matter if you are a CEO, a sole trader a corporate leader, a researcher, an analyst you can still be the CEO of your CAREER and the choices you make determine that person you become within your own business or within someone else’s business.

Yes, there are also many factors outside of your control, but it is how you meet those factors.

The above quote implies that we have responsibility to make conscious choices about the person we become. We can be and should be active participants in the decisions that shape our day to day lives.

It also celebrates the freedom we have in defining our own destiny and purpose. Within a corporation you can ask for a salary increase, you can ask for feedback on how to improve at your job, you can network strategically to become known in areas of the business that you are interested in potentially working.

Emersons words also suggest that personal growth and self-improvement are ongoing processes. It is suggesting that we be proactive in our pursuit of self-development.

This quote can also be helpful in times of adversity. When we need to lean in and face the challenges with a anti fragile mindset and know that we are strengthening our toolbox of resources each time we embrace a new challenge.

Who are you deciding to be today?

 Remember: You are the CEO OF YOUR CAREER. I'm happy to help! Book career coaching packages for you or your team today. Find out more in the website link www.pursuitconsulting.com.au or message me to discuss.

As we stand at the beginning of a new year, it's an opportune moment to reflect on our journey and recalibrate our compass. One powerful way to set the stage for a fulfilling and purpose-driven year is by aligning our actions with our values. 

The Power of Values Alignment: Our values serve as the guiding principles that shape our decisions, actions, and ultimately, our destinies. Starting the year with a conscious effort to align our goals and aspirations with our core values can have profound effects on our personal and professional lives. When we prioritize what truly matters to us, we lay the foundation for authenticity, fulfillment, and success.

 Dr. John Demartini, a renowned human behavior expert and author of "The Values Factor," emphasizes the transformative power of aligning our goals with our highest values. According to Demartini, true fulfillment arises when we identify and prioritize what is most important to us. He suggests that understanding our values is not just about making a list but delving deep into what brings us the most joy, passion, and a sense of purpose.

Demartini's Method for Values Clarification:

  1. Identify Core Values: Begin by reflecting on the aspects of your life that truly matter to you. What brings you the most joy, inspiration, and fulfillment? These are likely your core values.
  2. Prioritize Values: Once you've identified your core values, prioritize them. What is the most important value in your life right now? What is the second most important? Continue this process until you have a clear hierarchy.
  3. Align Goals with Values: With a prioritized list of values, align your goals for the new year accordingly. Ensure that your aspirations resonate with your core values, creating a powerful synergy between what you desire and what truly matters to you.

Benefits of Values Alignment:

  • Authenticity: Living in alignment with our values fosters authenticity, allowing us to be true to ourselves in all aspects of life.
  • Increased Motivation: Goals that align with our values are inherently more motivating and energising, propelling us forward with passion and determination.
  • Resilience: Values-aligned individuals tend to navigate challenges with greater resilience, as their actions are rooted in a deeper sense of purpose.

May 2024 be the year we not only set goals but live in harmony with our deepest values, creating a life that reflects our truest selves. Looking for some support to align your goals and values? Seeking accountability, insights or help uncovering and remembering your key strengths and how to translate these into different roles or companies? Who are you deciding to be today?

 Remember: You are the CEO OF YOUR CAREER. I'm happy to help! Book career coaching packages for you or your team today.

 Find out more in the website link www.pursuitconsulting.com.au or message me to discuss.

Thank you for being a part of our community. We value your presence and the trust you have placed in Pursuit Consulting. Let's make your career aspirations a reality!

Best regards,

Clare Phelan Director and Career Coach. Be The CEO of Your Career!

Pursuit Consulting

How to be the CEO OF YOUR CAREER!

How to be the CEO of YOUR CAREER!

If you were a CEO of a Corporation it would be crazy to leave all the vision/strategy and actions up to someone else, wouldn’t it?

As the CEO OF YOUR CAREER, it is crazy to leave all
the above in the hands of a corporation/manager you are working for.
I am not suggesting to be an anarchist, what I am suggesting is that you still have a lot of choices.

Even when working for others, you can feel empowered by managing your mindset, speak up and express your desires & ask for help. Sometimes, you might need to leave an environment that can’t foster the above.

Do you have a Vision, Strategy, Support and Review of your Career?

Your Career can take lots of different turns, industry, public sector, volunteering, sabbaticals, MBA, own business. It is up to you to get empowered about designing your own career.

With Freedom being one of my key values I feel so
empowered and excited by being the CEO of MY CAREER.

For me at the moment, that is my own business and a portfolio career where I can have multiple streams of income. Where I can empower and support people in their own career transitions, work hours that fit with family life and post covid incorporating some family travel into our lifestyle. #youaretheceoofyourcareer

Embracing Vulnerability: Unlocking Career Change with Courage

In the words of Brene Brown, "you can't get to courage without walking through vulnerability." Making a career change requires the courage to embrace vulnerability. As we develop our vulnerability muscle, we gain the ability to confront the things that scare us and create positive change in our lives.

1. Embracing Openness:
Let others know you are seeking a new position and share what you are looking for in your next career move. People love to help and support, they just need the invitation to do so.

2 Seek Support:
Tap into your vulnerability by asking for extra support from your current manager, or others in your network with key skills or experience. Highlight areas where you need additional training, coaching, or guidance. By acknowledging your development needs, you demonstrate self-awareness and a commitment to growth, which can lead to opportunities for advancement.

3.Reaching Out Directly:
Take the initiative to contact potential hiring managers directly. Inquire if they would be open to an informational interview or meeting to discuss potential opportunities and how your skills and experience could contribute value to their organization. This proactive approach showcases your confidence, passion, and initiative.

4,Stepping Up:
Consider putting your hand up for a promotion even if you don't feel 100% ready. Embracing vulnerability means taking calculated risks and being willing to stretch beyond your comfort zone. By demonstrating your ambition and willingness to grow, you can open doors to new career possibilities.

5.Following Up:
Don't be afraid to follow up when you haven't heard back about your resume or interview. Show your enthusiasm and take charge of managing your career. By following up, you demonstrate your commitment and passion for the opportunity.

6.Investing in a Career Coach:
Engaging the support of a career coach can be transformative during a career change. Sharing your desires, aspirations, and concerns with a coach may feel vulnerable, but research suggests that opening up in this way can help you build courage and yield positive results. A career coach can provide guidance, insights, and strategies to navigate your career transition effectively.

Embracing vulnerability is essential for a successful career change.

Remember, vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength that can lead you to the courage needed for meaningful career change.

#career #growth #vulnerability

Sorry, we went with a candidate who has more relevant experience.”

Sorry, we went with a candidate who has more relevant experience.”

This simple statement can diminish your confidence and strip the momentum from your job search.

It can, in essence, take the wind from your sails.

We, humans, intimately feel the ups and downs of life, including when seeking employment. Life can be a rough playground; we can feel sadness and rejection when it doesn’t go according to plan. But we also possess an incredible resilience, a buoyant inner elasticity that helps us bounce back from setbacks.

Instead of focusing on “failure”, missing out on a position allows you to deepen your internal fortitude and practice rebounding.

Here are 7 tips for bouncing back better than before:

1. Take time out to recharge your energy.

2. Always have several irons in the fire. Focusing on one job only is like pouring all your funds into a single stock; ill-advised.

3. Reflect on the interview process objectively. What went well? Where could you improve? Ask the interviewer or interviewers for feedback.

4. Plan. With your reflections in mind sit quietly and plan where you may possibly improve. Write down how you could consider, approach, answer differently in your next interview.

5. Practice altruism. Kindness and compassion shift us into positive and expansive energy. This has extensive effects on our neurology. Write a testimonial for someone you know is in the job market. Connect two people in your network who may benefit from each other’s experience or expertise. Provide mentoring to someone who wishes to develop a trait or skill you possess.

6. Move. Exercise triggers calmative endorphins, elevates mood, sharpens cognitive skills, memory and learning. Plus, it just feels good! Choose an activity you enjoy dancing, walking, running, cycling, golf, resistance training, yoga etc.

7. Remember: Rejection is just redirection. It’s an opportunity to re-stock, reconsider and refine your approach.

Clare Phelan supports and empowers professionals going through a career transition or career uplift.
If you are ready to invest in YOU and your career, or your employee's career than call to learn more about our career coaching packages on offer.

#career #learning #energy #interview


To embody being CEO OF YOUR CAREER one key step is to ensure that you know how to step into career alignment.

Career Alignment comes with understanding your Core Values. We do this as business owners and corporations to set a standard and to agree on what matters.

As CEO OF YOUR CAREER, it is just as important to understand what your Core Values are and that you are honouring them in Your Career.

How does understanding your Core Values benefits you in your career and job search?

There is a multitude of benefits in knowing your Core Values to help enhance your career success.

☀️Knowing your Values helps you make clear decisions about opportunities in your career.

☀️Knowing your Values helps you find purpose. A job/career that feels purposeful to you.

☀️Knowing your Values helps you find a confident sense of self. This will help you navigate career changes & interview.

☀️Knowing your Values provides you with guiding principles on your behaviour. Also, what you should or should not accept from others. Important throughout your career.

Are committed to taking action today? If so, I have put together an amazing FREE workbook for you. You can access the link here.

If you were a CEO of a Corporation it would be crazy to leave all the vision/strategy and actions up to someone else, wouldn’t it?

As the CEO OF YOUR CAREER, it is crazy to leave all
the above in the hands of a corporation/manager you are working for.
I am not suggesting to be an anarchist, what I am suggesting is that you still have a lot of choices.

Even when working for others, you can feel empowered by managing your mindset, speak up and express your desires & ask for help. Sometimes, you might need to leave an environment that can’t foster the above.

Do you have a Vision, Strategy, Support and Review of your Career?

Your Career can take lots of different turns, industry, public sector, volunteering, sabbaticals, MBA, own business. It is up to you to get empowered about designing your own career.

With Freedom being one of my key values I feel so
empowered and excited by being the CEO of MY CAREER.

For me at the moment, that is my own business and a portfolio career where I can have multiple streams of income. Where I can empower and support people in their own career transitions, work hours that fit with family life and post covid incorporating some family travel into our lifestyle. #futureofwork #careers

Use the STAR method to answer behavioural questions.

Situation - Paint the story/issue in a few lines. Example the business was losing money on a premium product

Task - What was your role? Example. My role as the Finance Business Partner reporting on this product was to analyse the costs of the product for review and provide recommendations to resolve the issue.

Action - How did you apply your skills in this situation. Example. I went through the product life cycle including packaging, manufacturing, supply chain, shelf life to determine what the costs to the business were and where we could possibly make some reductions.

Result - What was the outcome. Ideally, a positive one or a result providing commentary for the business to move forward with new information. Example - When doing my analysis and financial modelling on excel I found that some of our manufacturing and packaging costs were too high and we were able to negotiate more competitive terms with the manufacturer which in turn resulted in the product being highly profitable. If you can put figures or percentages in to add to your credibility.

If you would like further assistance please refer to my career coaching packages in Career Coaching Program tab.